Matt. 25:37,
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prion and go visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' "
Here's what's puzzling. It's not just that the righteous won't remember having done anything for Jesus. It's that we've been reading this passage for two thousand years now. We've been told exactly how it's going to happen, what he's gong to say, and the righteous are still going to be dumbfounded. Do you mean to tell me that all of those people involved with ministries of various sorts that are geared to helping those in need are suddenly going to develop amnesia?
I don't know the answer but here are some thoughts:
I love the analogy that someone made.
Fish don't swim in order to become fish. They swim because they ARE fish.
Birds don't fly in order to become birds. They fly because they ARE birds.
In the same way, Christians don't do good deeds in order to become Christians. They do good deeds because they ARE Christians. It's just in their nature.
The difference is in DOING or BEING.
And while birds must flap their wings in order to fly and fish have to flip their tails on order to swim, it's not something they have to consciously do and they don't think that if they don't do it that somehow they will cease being birds or fish. In the same way as God builds the new nature in each of us we bear fruit that translates into the good, loving deeds. Yes we have to be proactive but it's not something we consciously do because we think that if we don't, we will somehow cease to be what we claim to be. Although, and here's where it gets tricky, if this fruit isn't growing in our lives then we need to seriously ask the question, are we really followers of Christ.
So I'm wondering if what actually happens is that the righteous were so focused on worshipping and following their savior that they really weren't that aware of the impact they were having on the people around them.
Just my thoughts.
Here's what's puzzling. It's not just that the righteous won't remember having done anything for Jesus. It's that we've been reading this passage for two thousand years now. We've been told exactly how it's going to happen, what he's gong to say, and the righteous are still going to be dumbfounded. Do you mean to tell me that all of those people involved with ministries of various sorts that are geared to helping those in need are suddenly going to develop amnesia?
I don't know the answer but here are some thoughts:
I love the analogy that someone made.
Fish don't swim in order to become fish. They swim because they ARE fish.
Birds don't fly in order to become birds. They fly because they ARE birds.
In the same way, Christians don't do good deeds in order to become Christians. They do good deeds because they ARE Christians. It's just in their nature.
The difference is in DOING or BEING.
And while birds must flap their wings in order to fly and fish have to flip their tails on order to swim, it's not something they have to consciously do and they don't think that if they don't do it that somehow they will cease being birds or fish. In the same way as God builds the new nature in each of us we bear fruit that translates into the good, loving deeds. Yes we have to be proactive but it's not something we consciously do because we think that if we don't, we will somehow cease to be what we claim to be. Although, and here's where it gets tricky, if this fruit isn't growing in our lives then we need to seriously ask the question, are we really followers of Christ.
So I'm wondering if what actually happens is that the righteous were so focused on worshipping and following their savior that they really weren't that aware of the impact they were having on the people around them.
Just my thoughts.