"The visions of your prophets were false and worthless; they did not expose your sin to ward off your captivity. The prophecies they gave you were false and misleading."
Lamentations 2:14 NIV
I can already anticipate some of the criticism I am going to get from posting this blog.
Q: Matthew 7:1 says we are commanded not to judge.
A: I believe that verse has been memorized by more people who are not followers of Jesus Christ than those that actually do follow Christ. This verse has been used to attempt to silence Christians and keep them from speaking out.
This verse does not tell people not to judge. It tells us not to use our personal views and opinions as the standard by which we judge. When we judge sin and immorality we are simply affirming what God has already judged.
Q: I am using a page that is dedicated to the advancement of the Gospel in order to push a political agenda.
A: The Gospel must impact every aspect of the believer's life, which includes politics. We are told by Jesus to 'render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's and to God what is God's' (Matthew 22:21). Even though we are citizens of the heavenly country, we are placed here on earth as stewards. As such we have civic duties which go beyond simply paying our taxes. We are called salt and light. Salt has an impact on how food tastes; we are to have an impact on our world.
Around the beginning of October there was an article published in The Christian Post entitled, "We Are Pro-life Evangelicals For Biden." Among those who signed this are John Huffman, Richard Foster, Jerushah Duford, Brenda Salter McNeil and John Perkins. The article urges evangelicals to support the Biden/Harris ticket and even provides a website where people can sign on their support.
Their position is that while disagreeing on the Biden/Harris position on abortion they claim that other issues such as health care, climate change, poverty and racism are actually the more 'pro-life' issues that we Christians should be concerned about. The fact is, none of those issues really have anything to do with being pro-life and an honest look at those issues will demostrate that they have nothing to do with solving the actual issues but rather have been used as an excuse to advocate for more government control.
What is particularly disturbing is the article goes beyond simply stating their position. They are actively urging other Christians to take their position and even SIGN the document.
Talk about a deal with the devil! They would do well to take to heart what Jesus said in Matthew 18:6:
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."
Jesus said it, not me.
I find it interesting that so many people take issue with President Trump's arrogance and recklessness yet cannot see the arrogance and recklessness of these 'leaders.'
Then we have John Piper weighing in with his opinion. He somehow equates President Trump's 'charactor flaws' with the policies of death and immorality of the left. I would like to ask Mr. Piper a few questions:
How do you feel about God calling King David a man after God's own heart? He had the same charactor flaws that Mr. Trump has, (or had) and beyond. What about when God commanded Elijah to anoint Jehu, son of Nimshi to be the next King. He was anything but a godly man. Talk about arrogant and reckless. The people knew it was him from a distance because of the way he drove his chariot. Yet God chose him to completely destroy the house of King Ahab.
Can anyone say, "Drain the swamp?"
Here are some personal observations about President Trump. I lived in Palm Beach County, Florida for nearly 3 decades. Donald Trump was a household name. I had some friends who worked for Mr. Trump and I even did a small job in Maralago myself. To those who think he is arrogant, bombastic, and crass; he is NOTHING like he was before. I did not vote for him in 2016 because of what I knew about him. But I see someone who is remarkably different than he was before.
Maybe he has changed.
The United States of America is at a crossroads. We are in perhaps the most important election of our lifetime, maybe in our history. We have the choice in preserving our freedoms and our morals, or we can go down the road towards tyrranical socialism. To those who have been lifetime democrats, you need to understand. The democrat party is not the party of JFK. That party loved our country and what it stood for. The modern democrat party has been highjacked by the radical left who want to impose socialist totalitarianism on us. There are many fine people who still vote democrat who don't seem to realize that. As I write this I am in Williamsburg, Virginia. We visited the old Jamestown settlement and battlefield at Yorktown where this new nation won their independance. I was sobered by the fact that so much blood was shed in order to gain our freedom. I also think about the blood that has been shed since that battle at Yorktown in order to preserve our freedom.
Are we so willing to give it up? Are Christian leaders willing to sell their souls to convince us to give them up?
Jesus warned us about false prophets in Matthew chapters 7 and 24. He didn't say there would be a handful of false prophets sprinkled in the multidude of true prophets. He said there would be MANY false prophets. Maybe there would be more false ones than true ones.
So how do we keep from being deceived?
Acts 17:11 gives us a fine example from the Bereans:
"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
If we are not searching the scriptures daily it is not a question of will we be deceived. It is a question of when and to what extent.
Let us be people who search the scriptures diligently.
May God richly bless you all.