Saturday, July 30, 2016

Law is Necessary to Maintain Civility, But it Cannot Change the Heart

Heb. 10:16 (quoting Jer. 31:33) " This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their heart, and I will write them on their minds."

Have you ever thought about all of the traffic laws there are? 25 mile speed limit in residential neighborhoods, 70 mile speed limit on the interstate, no running red lights, no texting while driving, etc. Behind these individual laws there is a great overarching law. "Drive in such a manner that the safety of people and property is insured." And behind that is the great commandment, "love your neighbor as yourself". Now why do we drive 25 miles per hour in residential neighborhoods? Is it because we want to make sure that everyone and everything is kept safe? Or is it because we don't want to get a $150 ticket and points on our driving record?
Jesus talked about observance of law in the Sermon on the Mount When he used the examples of adultery and murder. Yes, the law could force you to comply but it couldn't change the heart. The law might keep you from committing murder or adultery ( particularly because of the death penalty associated with these two laws) but you could still harbor wicked anger and/or lust and the law couldn't do anything about that. Even so, because the hearts of men are wicked, law is necessary in order to maintain civil order. Paul essentially says this in Galations 3:23-25, "Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law."

So what happens if you do away with all of he traffic laws and remove all of the restraints (police officers and penalties)?

Because of the carnal, selfish nature of unregenerate man, absolute pandemonium would result. BUT...what if every single person who got behind the wheel had the divine commandment to love God and their neighbor imprinted on their hearts and minds. What traffic laws would be necessary? I guess you would still need traffic lights. Otherwise everyone would wave the others to go first and nobody would go. (ha ha) But if everyone drove their cars in such a way that they insured the safety of people and property, you would NOT have to spell it out and explain that there is a penalty for violating the rules. People would automatically slow down in residential areas because they know that children and pets may run out into the street. They would realize that it's not safe to make U-turns at some intersections, but it is at others, etc.
I believe that is the point of what Paul said in vs. 25 in Galations 5. Now that faith has come and because that faith CHANGES our hearts and minds (back to Heb. 11:16) We don't have to have it all spelled out for us.
At least this is my take on it. God bless you all.

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