Monday, July 31, 2017

The True Source of Our Sin

James 1: 14-15, "But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death."

We all know that gasoline is extremely flammable. If you take a bucket and fill it with gas, place it in an open room and throw a lit match at it, it will literally explode in flames. But here's the thing. without a flame, spark or some kind of trigger, that bucket full of gasoline will sit there harmlessly.
In many ways, that's how the sinful nature is. As long as we can keep the triggers away we can behave pretty well. We see that in the narrative of David and Bathsheba. David was going along doing pretty well until he saw this woman bathing on her rooftop. That was the trigger. She didn't cause him to sin. she was the trigger that brought out the sinful nature that was already in David.

Now let's imagine that we empty the gas out of the bucket, clean it out, and fill it with water. What happens when we throw the match at it now? Nothing. And if the match lands in the water, it will put the match out.

That's what God is doing in the process of sanctification. He is emptying the gasoline out, cleaning out the residue, and replacing it with water.

Now imagine for a moment that David didn't have any of the lustful sin nature within him. What happens when he sees Bathsheba  bathing? It's like throwing a lit match at a bucket of water. Nothing is going to happen. Because the new nature doesn't respond to sinful stimuli.

Now the fact remains that our sanctification is a process that will never be completed until our savior takes us to be with him. So in many ways, we will always be somewhat flammable. Because of that, it is necessary to make sure that we keep the open flames and sparks of temptation away. Put the blocking software on your internet devices and unplug the TV if need be. Do what we need to to keep from acting out or sinfulness. But I wonder if sometimes we stop there, without going to the real issue, and that is, in my fallen nature, I am a bucket full of gasoline.

We need to go to 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

I need to confess that I am a bucket full of flammable liquid and ask him to clean it out of me. That is the real heart of the issue. We need God to give us the new nature.
God bless you all.

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