Thursday, December 13, 2018

How We are Made Righteous

Job 25:4, "How then can a man be righteous before God? How can one born of woman be pure?"

The book of Job is possibly one of the oldest narratives in the Old Testament and is the only book that is completely unrelated to Israel. It's about a man who had been blessed tremendously by God and then had everything taken away. As Job and his three friends are dialoguing and trying to make sense of everything, Job's friend Bildad asked this question. And it is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION OF EVERY MAN WHO HAS EVER LIVED. That question would loom for nearly 2,000 years. The nation of Israel would be born and The Old Covenant would be established between them and God. The nation would break the covenant and the story of the Old Testament would end with this answer:

It is not possible for man to be righteous before God.


From the third chapter of Genesis and all throughout the old testament there is the promise that a rescuer would come who would save his people from their sins. And finally he did. And after he came and fulfilled everything we had the solution.

2 Corinthians 5:21, "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God".

Some 2,000 years earlier a man named Bildad asked the question. Here is the answer. May you be richly blessed in this Advent Season as we celebrate his coming.

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