Monday, December 10, 2018

Jesus Divides

“This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed." (Luke 2:34-35)

These words were spoken by a man named Simeon who had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would live to see the Christ child. It is a very sobering word that God spoke through him that we would do well to understand.

We have become accustomed to the phrase: "Doctrine divides, but Christ unifies." This is not true. Jesus was one of the most polarizing individuals to ever walk the face of the earth. People generally did not have a neutral reaction when in his presence. You cannot separate Jesus Christ from the doctrine of the New Covenant.
 While it is true that Jesus preached about unity, it must be understood that he meant unity within the body, that is, the church. His person and teaching created a chasm between those who were truly his and those who weren't -- the sheep and the goats. He never intended to bring about unity between the sheep and goats, and his presence very quickly showed the distinction between the two. This was what Simeon meant when he said that the hearts of many would be revealed. Jesus's preaching exposed the hypocrisy of the teachers of the law but gave hope and mercy to those who were downtrodden and had lost hope. This was the rising and falling of many in Israel.

After Jesus returned to heaven and it became the mission of the disciples to continue the work He had begun, the reaction of the people was the same towards them as well. Jesus said in John 15:18ff that if the world hated him, the world would hate his followers. And today we see that just as it was the false teachers of Jesus's day that persecuted him, it is the false teachers of today that resist the truth of the gospel. And it has been that way throughout the church age.

So as we celebrate God sending his Son into the world to rescue his people there is a question we all must ask, when the thoughts of our hearts are revealed by the Son of God, what will be exposed. Are we willing to humble ourselves before Him and submit to his will. Or will we reject him and embrace a false Jesus.

May you be richly blessed this Christmas season.

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